GolfStar expanderar till Göteborg
GolfStar expanderar till Göteborg - förvärvar Stannum Golf GolfStar expanderar till Göteborg. I går röstade medlemmarna i Stannum Golf för att ansluta till GolfStar. ”Jag[...]
Nicklas Raask ny koncernchef / vd för Caddies Europe AB
Nicklas Raask ny koncernchef/VD för Caddies Europe AB Nicklas Raask har utsetts till ny koncernchef och VD för Caddies Europe AB. Caddies, som bland annat[...]
Eric Sundberg new business developer at Caddies and GolfStar
Eric Sundberg new business developer at Caddies and GolfStar Eric Sundberg is the new salesperson and business developer at Caddies Europe AB, which also owns[...]
Mattias Brännholm new communications director at GolfStar!
Mattias Brännholm is the new communications director at Caddies Europe AB, which owns GolfStar. "We have a vision of what the customer experience of[...]
GolfStar launches Play ALL Spain!
Now we're launching our year-round add-on: Play ALL Spain! The "Play all year round" add-on, "GolfStar Play ALL Spain", which is completely unique on[...]
GolfStar launches memberships as a monthly subscription!
As the first player on the market, GolfStar will soon offer its memberships as monthly subscriptions. In this way, golfers avoid paying a large[...]