Greenfee Outlet has launched – A golf app for both golf clubs and golfers!
Greenfee Outlet is for golfers who are flexible with when and where they play but who also want cheaper green fees and a large variety of golf courses. For the clubs, the app means that you decide which times and at what price you want to sell green fees without impairing accessibility for your members.
– Greenfee Outlet is now launched and is the most effective channel for all golf clubs to reach out with their unused and hard-to-sell tee times. If you join, both occupancy and green fee income increase without having to discount the prices in your usual booking systems and channels. The most important goal of the Greenfee Outlet app compared to, for example, a connection to Golfhäftet is that the clubs now have 100% control over the pricing and availability of all their tee times. In our IT platform, the clubs can change their prices and discounts in seconds via a simple interface. We already have about 40 courses connected and more are on the way, begins Anders Axmacher, CEO of Caddies Greenfee Europe AB.
– With Greenfee Outlet downloaded to the mobile phone, the golfers always have access to discounted and available tee times. For only SEK 19/month you get various golf courses at Sweden’s best green fee prices. If you play as a guest and can be flexible in your playing pattern, you will always find a great prize when you book the day before the round or the same day. Greenfee Outlet is simply the perfect way to play spontaneous golf at the best possible price.
– The original plan was that we would launch the Greenfee Outlet app during the last season. Unfortunately, we did not get the technology in order with the former supplier, which made us decide to make a completely new application with a new supplier and to improve our own platform Teevolution at the same time. This has made it possible for us to connect to all the different booking systems that the clubs use today. In Sweden, this mainly applies to GIT and Sweetspot.
– Technically, the App and the own platform Teevolution were developed and built together with Mobile Interaction, which has extensive experience in building apps and digital customer experiences for companies, such as for Svenska Spel and Synsam to name a few, continues Anders.
This is what Marcus Ödling, CEO at Mobile Interaction says;
“- The Greenfee Outlet app is developed with the latest technology, which makes it easy to use for golfers and offers features that make a difference compared to many other booking sites for green fee games. The app offers advanced features such as seamless search via maps and personal filters to quickly display available times at attractive prices. Then it’s just a matter of booking and paying with a few clicks on the mobile.”
– We believe that better alternative booking channels are really needed for the increasing green fee game on the market, of course for the golfers but also to protect the financial interests of the clubs. If you as a golfer are interested in the app or want your own golf club to connect to Greenfee Outlet, read more on our website;, concludes Anders.
For more information, please contact;
Anders Axmacher, CEO Caddies Greenfee Europe AB on cell: +46 702-39 55 97 alt. via e-mail:
Marcus Ödling, CEO Mobile Interaction AB on cell: +46 735 13 25 46 alt. via e-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Greenfee Outlet is a protected trademark and is part of Caddies Greenfee Europe AB, which is owned by the golf group Caddies Europe AB (publ). Caddies Europe AB (publ.) is Northern Europe’s largest MCO “Multi Course Operator” and operates a total of 22 golf courses spread over 14 facilities around Greater Stockholm, one facility in Spain and 4 golf facilities in Finland and has a total of over 50,000 members. The Caddies group currently includes GolfStar as well as Cloud Golf Club, TopTee Greenkeeping AB, SmartGolfa, Greenfee Outlet and Golfresan on Tour.